Monday, May 08, 2006

Bush approaches Nixon in Job Approval

You just can't convince true believers otherwise. After all, 25% still approved of Nixon the day he left office and Nixon was far more competent than our current leadership. Maybe we've realized that Republican votes are votes against our own self interest as Bush approaches Nixon by sinking to a 31% approval rating despite reshuffling the deck chairs, an attempted Snow job and further evidence that his economy truely sucks for most of us. As I said, you just can't convince true believers otherwise. He'll point to the CNN poll that shows him increasing two points in popularity to a dismal 34%, although the two percent increase is within the poll's three percent margin of error.

With numbers like that, we may have to thank him for going to Florida to campaign for fellow Repugnicans. Katherine Harris, the partisan who gave him the state in 2000, is trailing her Democratic rival by double digits, a fitting reward. No 31% President is going to save that campaign, in fact, he will most likely remind people of the dumbest decision Harris ever made in her life, disallowing a recount. Further evidence of his decline, his nominee for CIA director, Lt Gen Michael Hayden, faces stiff opposition from the President's own party. Perhaps he should have nominated someone who hasn't shown contempt of the Constitution he's sworn to support and defend by actively trying to circumvent the Fourth Amendment - Hayden is a staunch supporter and partial archtect of the Shrub's warrantless domestic espionage program. The last thing Republicans need is a KGB General Wannabe in the post of CIA director. It's a further sign of Shrub's decline: The rats are abandoning the sinking ship.

Today in Geneva, U. S. officials claimed that U. S. personnel are prohibited from torturing detainees. I suppose that is why Bush claims authority to circumvent that law as well as 749 others just because he's the President. A quick read of the Constitution shows there's only one way for the Executive to object to a law passed by Congress, the veto. Bush's signing statements simply show his disregard for the law he's supposed to enforce and are further symptomatic of a sick administration. Besides, if it's illegal, why would Bush have issued the toilet paper called a signing statement? Of course, this has nothing to do with renditions of prisoners to countries allowing torture. The one real 9/11 criminal in our custody will never be tried because the evidence, extracted through use of torture, is inadmissable in U. S. court and his testimony would embarass the Administration. If Democrats win Congress, one of the best investigations of Bush would be to demand a trial.

Finally, in a blow to the "it's a choice" crowd, studies have revealed differences in lesbian brains similar to those in homosexual men. It appears the good God who made it an "abomination" also created homosexuality. How do you explain that one, you Christian Ayatollahs? The God you venerate created the homosexuals you despise. How will you explain this one to your children but then you have a talent for ignoring science that doesn't support your preconceived notions. As I mentioned at the top, you'll never convince the true believer with facts.