Friday, May 12, 2006

I Wish I'd Kept That E-mail

I wish I'd kept the response I got from my query about the NSA's data dump from Verizon Wireless. There was so much BS packed into so little space, they might as well just have said yes and saved a lot of electrons from their ultimate, untimely fate as electrosmog. I told them as much. Their customer service rejected it because of the word "bullshit", calling it a profanity. I edited it out, called their release of phone data to the NSA an obscenity and asked to be relieved of my contract without charge.

Every customer of every Telecom that voluntarily participated in this travesty should do exactly the same. Quest didn't. Today I'm a proud Quest customer.

Bush assures us the privacy of ordinary American citizens is fiercely protected. Not just protected, but fiercely. So of course, they're shooting the messenger, USA Today. Now there's word out in the blogosphere that an NSA whistleblower is going to leak something even better next week. God, I love to watch this Administration spin. King George the Clueless could have been celebrating his rich man's welfare victory, instead, he's having to try a Snow job on us for another over-the-line domestic espionage program. I think we can kiss Hayden goodbye. How many bets do I get that Bush will go lower than Nixon before the year's over?

He's at 29% and falling, according to the latest Harris poll. Even the true believers, overwhelmed with facts of the Administration's and the Party's incompetence, irresponsibility, outright malfeasance and ugly suits are abandoning the sinking ship. It looks like Republican rule, which began with a bang in 1994, will end with one in 2006.

So, in an attempt at smoke and mirrors leadership, Bush is deploying the already overstretched, exhausted National Guard to the Mexican border to appeal to the base by, what? Turning their 50 cal's on Mexicans crossing the border? Even the true believers, and I know a few, see through the rouses these days. Shrub plans to reveal the plan from the Oval Office, an edifice he has seen less of than any other President due to his inordinately long , frequent vacations, on Monday. I'm sure he will now have other things to lie about. It appears there is a Rove connection - he met with Southern lawmakers shortly before this was announced. Also, as it appears, Bush is appealing to the base after the deal has been done. Ried and Frist announced a compromise on immigration earlier this week. So once again, the Shrub comes up last.