Thursday, May 18, 2006

370 Miles of Fence Along a 2000+ Mile Border

Leave it to W to say that building 370 miles of fence at 3.2 million dollars per mile along a 2000 plus mile border makes sense. Three point two million per mile? I bet a rancher with a few of those immigrant workers could put up a mile of fence for a thousandth of that but then, it's W's government and probably Haliburton who will be building the fence. Shrub, in a photo op at the border, asked for 1.9 billion for border security. Where is this money to come from? The taxes the rich are no longer paying! There are currently 6.9 miles of fence at Yuma, Arizona, site of the Shrub's blathering, and it's the busiest stretch of the border for illegal immigration.

It took xenophobia to get the Senate to make English the national language. There's an urban legend that, the last vote, German almost won. Sprechen sie Amerikanisch? Thanks to Hometown Hero Ken Salizar - yes, that's an Hispanic last name - for his resolution: "English is the common and unifying language of the United States that helps provide unity for the people of the United States." I agree, Ken.

It's still fun to watch the Republicans implode over this issue.

Our other Senator, Wayne "the torturer" Allard, wants to pander to the right Wingnuts by incorporating discrimination into the U. S. Constitution. Of course, someone had to trot out the gay marriage issue to help solidify the base, why not one of the two Senators who voted in favor of torturing prisoners? Are we picking up a pattern here? Allard does not represent Colorado or Coloradans' values and must go at the earliest possible opportunity. He is an embarassment to Colorado. We're better than that.

Nothing brings out the hypocrit in a lawmaker as fast as oil. Republicans believe it's okay to drill in Alaska where caribou will die but no one will see it but at the same time reject drilling off the coast of Florida and California, citing property values. Republicans arguing against drilling? Let me repeat, Republicans arguing against drilling? Who needs beaches, anyway?

Doesn't Saudi Arabia cut peoples' hands (and heads) off for crimes? I suppose that isn't considered torture because the Defense Department rendered fifteen prisoners to the country today. Related, over 100 people died in military clashes in Afghanistan today. Remember shock and awe, v. 1.0? We were supposed to be liberators there, too. Instead of consolidating and doing some good old fashioned nation building, we bugged out for Iraq and shock and awe v2.0. Same results: We won the battle within days and are in the process of losing the war.

Can someone explain to me why energy and food, just about the two things we can't do without, aren't included in inflation figures? I know they're volatile but they're also necessary. Can someone please explain that one?

Finally the United States, possessor of the largest stores of nuclear weapons and with ambitions to build new nuclear bunker busters, has proposed a tough new non-proliferation treaty. Not that I want the Islamabomb, but isn't this just a bit hypocritical? But when has that stopped the current regime in Washington.