Friday, March 23, 2007

Tortured Logic

The week's political events have led me to an intellectual impasse due to logic tortured worse than Gonzales would have enemies of the state. For all the tortured, circuitous paths the debate on the Iraq war has taken this week, there are two things I don't understand:

1. Why does the party who sent our troops into an unfounded, unnecessary war with inadequate armor, who keeps them in the indefinite war without any hope of an end or without any definition of what victory even looks like, who overstretches their resources, both man and material, who looks aside as their hospitals and homes decay to the point where they lie in their own pus and feces, and who manipulate soldiers' applications for benefits to avoid paying deserved benefits claim to support our troops?

2. Why does the same party claim that the other, the party who has exposed the lies leading up to the war, who has voted additional money into the supplemental appropriations bill to bring care for the wounded soldiers, who want to bring the troops sent to an unfounded, unnecessary war home isn't supporting them?

I suppose prisoners at Guantanamo and elsewhere isn't all the GOPers torture.