Saturday, February 10, 2007

Ritter Betrays Labor

After insinutating he would sign the measure repealing the requirement for a second vote to unionize a shop, Governor Bill Ritter betrayed his supporters and vetoed the bill.

While perhaps not as aggregious as Ken Salazar's vote to shred the Constitution and deny habeas corpus to American citizens, this vote would indicate that we got another GOPer-lite in Democratic clothing in Mr. Ritter. I don't think a lot of the shopkeepers, Chamber of Commerce members, CEOs and sweatshop operators who work non-union labor for peanuts and who pressured him to veto the law voted for him in the first place. I don't think they will vote for him even after his blatant betrayal of his political base, either.

I do think organized labor will be hard-pressed to support him. This dumb decision, this pandering to the Right, may cost us the Governor's mansion after we finally won it back. Dumb move, Bill.