Sunday, June 25, 2006

It's Official - Democrats have the Edge

Was it any surprise to anyone that Gen. Casey, Bush's Yes-Man in Chief, announced troop reductions this week? Perhaps Casey has something to fear should there be long-overdue Congressional investigations into the Iraq war starting in January when Bush's yes-man Congress finds themselves in the opposition. Perhaps it's just the crappiest timing in the world, announcing the troop reduction the week after Senate Republicans found out just how out of touch with the real world they are by defeating Democratic proposals to do exactly what Casey is proposing?

The plan is for a token troop reduction in September, just two months before Congressional elections. Is there anything suspect about that timing? They plan on two brigades, or about 7,000 troops, to leave and not be replaced, as if the violence has gone down or there was any indication that anything is getting better (I believe I remember CNN citing 25 killed and ten kidnapped in Iraq today). Still the plan calls for over 100,000 troops there into 2008, not a soon enough drawdown to do anything but attempt to influence the midterm election. Even the Iraqis want us gone, as evidenced by their "reconcilliation plan" that grants amnesty to those who've killed Americans. Apparently now the Senate Republicans are the only people who still believe we shouldn't be thinking about how to get out of there.

Their votes on the Democrats' resolutions should and will come back to haunt them.