Not satisfied with contempt of the law and the Constitution in ordering secret, unsupervised wiretaps of American citizens, Herr Shrub today bypassed the Senate confirmation process and appointed another group of cronies to positions they are not qualified to fill. Joining John Bolton, the ranks of the Shrub's syncophants are filled with Hans van Spakovski to the Federal Election Commission. Van Spakowski is famous for championing the requirement for Georgia voters to have a photo ID, something they have to pay for and something that discriminates against poor blacks, not exactly Republican constituency. He's also known as being a part of Delay's gerrymander of Texas that gave power to the Republicans at the expense of the state's Latino population through fragmenting districts with predominantly Latino, read Democratic, populations. He also appointed a crony to the National Labor Relations Board, a defeat for organized labor and safety enforcement that could have saved the lives of twelve miners in Sago, W. Va. Finally, Ellen Sauerbrey, a staunch advocate of the Administration's anti-choice agenda, got the nod for Assistant Secretary of State for Refugees. Poor and now due to administration policies pregnant, the shores will be teeming with that many more, not to mention the unchecked spread of AIDS because the flat-earthers believe they can overcome basic human physical drives with their pseudo-religion.
There are more but more disturbing is the Administration's claim that we're stuck with these turkeys until 2007. The Senate held a pro-forma session on Tuesday, which the power-hungry neocons seized as an opportunity to call the Senate in session. Since the Constitution, the very document the Shrub called a worthless piece of paper and tramples at every opportunity, gives the President the authority to make recess appointments good through the end of the next session of Congress, he's claiming the end 0f 2007 as the drop-dead date for these losers.
Now for a War on Terror "success story", since enacting tougher border controls, the Homeland Security office is 0 for forty-five million. That's right, not a single known or suspected terrorist has tried to enter our besieged land since the Homeland Paranoia department instituted their passport-required for Canada, a truely dangerous land of liberals. They're claiming an effective deterrance. The babies caught in the tougher travel measures applaud as they're doodying their diapers in your holding area, Homeland Security. I feel so much safer.
Here's a letter concerning ANWAR drilling written by yours truely. Enjoy!,2777,DRMN_23966_4363899,00.html
Thursday, January 05, 2006
More Power Grabbing
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7:30 PM
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