<>Some days it really must suck to be a Shrub. Take yesterday as an example. First, some English hero revealed that Tony Blair had to talk the W out of bombing al-Jazeera. Let’s take a look at that one. Since the British Home Office is pursuing the leaker under England’s Official Secrets act, it’s a fair bet that there’s some truth to the story. After all, if there’s no truth, there’s no leak. That means that in April of last year, our Shrub was seriously considering sending our bombers to take out a civilian news agency located in Doha, Qatar, one of our allies. Aside from the outrage in the Moslem world such an attack would have caused, what does it tell us about Republican values?
><>No matter what the collateral damage, silence the bearer of bad news.
><>The Englishman that leaked that memo should be given a Medal of Freedom. >
Then there is the issue of Jose Padilla. He’s the American citizen held without rights in a South Carolina brig for three years because he allegedly wanted to make a dirty bomb. In their indictment yesterday, the Administration as represented by Alberto Gonzales’s Justice Department didn’t mention the dirty bomb, only that Padilla had trained as a terrorist overseas. So here’s the rub: The President by edict has held an American citizen without rights for three years. Only when the case was to come before the Supreme Court, most likely costing the Shrub the right to hold Americans based on his decree, did the Administration decide to do the “right” (meaning cover your ass) thing and put the man on trial. The Republican value here is that the Constitution is a meaningless document to be trampled as much as possible before finally conceding to follow it. The second value is to hold power at all cost.
Is anyone else outraged that the President can hold an American citizen for three years without charge, trial, bond or attorney?
Didn’t we fight a revolution in the eighteenth century to prevent these abuses of power?> <>
And in a real yawner of a newsflash, Condi Rice is now saying that we can start drawing down the troops in
Iraq beginning in 2006.
Now I might be a dumb redneck but isn’t 2006 an election year?
Anyone who didn’t expect this one raise your hand….>